What are we not talking about this holiday season?
The holidays are a time for family, friends, and celebration. But they can also be a time for tension, misunderstanding, and hurt feelings. What do you avoid talking about during the holiday season? Why is it so difficult to broach these topics?
Perhaps it's because we don't want to deal with the uncomfortable emotions that come along with them. Maybe its too painful to realize how little our family knows us as we get older, how much people prefer to edit their conversations in order to keep strong emotions and triggers to a minimum, or maybe we realize we can never go back and have another childhood Christmas?
If holiday cards and holiday movies teach us anything, we'd rather focus on the positive aspects of the holidays - the good food, the fun traditions, and spending time with those we love. But by ignoring these difficult conversations can create massive reservoirs of resentment, we're only setting ourselves up for a later disappointment and frustration.
Maybe this year, we can try to be more authentic and honest with each other. Let's talk about what's really going on in our lives while keeping a growth mindset, even if it's uncomfortable. It might not be easy, but it could lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling holiday season.
Be the change you want to see in your family and friends.
Communicate your discomfort earlier rather than later, before it becomes resentment
The more emotionally regulated you are the more people will want to be around you because you feel safe for them.
Tis the season of giving not getting
Tis the season of joy not debate
Tis the season of goodwill to all people not provocation.
Make it a Happy Holidays!